The Cosmos will endure, but Carousel Cosmos on Portland’s Western Promenade, in partnership with TEMPOart, was always intended as a TEMPO-rary public art installation.

All seven of these carved animal benches will remain on Portland’s Western Promenade until November 8th of 2024. Before that time, we hope to arrange loving new homes for each future-former carousel animal — profiled below.

Future homes for these animal benches must be indoors. They are made of carefully joined, carved and painted Ash wood. Ash is a fantastically dense, tough and durable hardwood, native to Maine. Traditionally it’s been used to make axe handles and baseball bats. The animals are built to last, but they would not be weather-resistant in the long-term.

As temporary art installations become more popular, the question more often arises:

What do you do with temporary art, after?

In order to make the most of the budget and timeline for Carousel Cosmos, as well as to minimize the carbon footprint of its materials, I made these animals from a tough, durable, renewable, and abundant native hardwood. As indoor seating, with minimal maintenance, nothing would prevent them for lasting indefinitely.

Can you or your organization provide a loving indoor home to a carousel animal that once roamed Portland’s Western Promenade?

If so, please get in touch.

Chris Miller —