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Humpback Whale
Habitat: Almost all of the World’s oceans
Favorite Food: Krill
Last visit to the Western Prom: 10 -15 thousand years ago, nearing the close of the last ice age, when the present-day location of Portland was underwater! Sea levels fluctuated near the close of the last ice age. At certain times between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago, the present day locations of Augusta, Bar Harbor, Portland, and the Western Promenade would have been deep underwater, possibly hundreds of feet. The Atlantic coast reached as far inland as the present day locations of Waterville and Millenocket. During that time, whales swam above the Western Promenade, or at least above its present-day Location.
Favorite Constellations: Qayttas, the Whale; Cetus, the Whale; Ad-Dulfin, the Dolphin; Delfinius, the Dolphin; Al-Hut, the Whale; Al-Hut Al-Janubi, the Southern Whale
Before cameras or Wikipedia, whales were not very well understood. Older representations of whales show them as ferocious monsters, but many species of whale are relatively gentle. Here are some pictures of humpback whales. Some are old, some are new.