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Saber Toothed Cat

Habitat: North and South America

Favorite Food: Meat!

Last visit to the Western Prom: 10 -15 thousand years ago, at the close of the last ice age. Just after our present-day coastline had re-emerged from the sea, Smilodon, the Saber-Toothed Cat, would have hunted Mammoth right here on a dry tundra, until they both became extinct about 10 thousand years ago.

Favorite Constellations: Leo, the Lion; Al A’sad, the Lion; The Divine Lion of Ancient Egypt; Xīfāng Báihǔ, White Tiger of the West; Al-A’sad Al-A’sghar, the Lesser Lion; Leo Minor, the Little Lion; All the Lion Stars of Africa.

The Saber Toothed Cat is sometimes called the Saber Toothed Lion or Tiger, but Smilodon belonged to a cat family all its own. Whether they had spots, stripes or neither, we can only guess. Here are some representations of Saber Toothed Cats, which are not exactly Lions or Tigers.